


The Great Law

"Be good, be tolerant, be kind, be merciful, be gentle, be humble and you will be great."

Dr. George King


The Pursuit of Happiness

In Buddhist teachings it is said the very purpose of our life is happiness... through the training of the psyche or spirit, including intellect and feeling, heart and calmness of mind. The first step in seeking happiness is learning which thoughts and emotions are beneficial and which are harmful. This realization enhances our determination to face and overcome the negative emotions and cherish, develop and increase those positive emotions no matter how difficult that is.


Dr. Bouchard shares these ancient moral values and is committed to their attainment and personification.



Sex & Relationship Happiness

Sex life on hold?

Pair-bond more like pair-bondage lately?

Stuck in a high-conflict relationship and constantly arguing? 

Whatever your concern, there's no need to keep suffering when help is at hand.

Discuss your sexual, intimacy, and relationship concerns frankly and confidentially with a seasoned sex therapist you can trust to provide nonjudgmental, matter-of-fact effective care. Aloha Sexual Health & Happiness, LLC Professional Counseling Services offers high-quality sex therapy and marriage/couples counseling to individuals and couples.

Let Dr. Michael help you create more of what is wanted and less of what is not in your life regarding all matters of sexuality, loving partnership, and interpersonal relating.

How May I Help You?

Dr. Michael’s specialties include, but are not limited to the following:

* Couples counseling and individual counseling

* Counseling and therapy for all sex, intimacy, and relationship concerns

* Sexual enhancement and relationship enrichment programs for reviving sexless marriages & relationships

* Sexual enhancement, relationship enrichment, and romance coaching for individuals

* Pre-marital concerns

* Relationship repair after an affair

* Divorce, separation, and reconciliation counseling

* Grief counseling after death of a beloved spouse or partner

* Sexual abuse, molestation, and trauma (survivors)

* Sexual aversion (anxiety, fear and disgust)

* Sexual orientation confusion and concerns (including gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/questioning coming out issues)

* Vaginismus (involuntary spasming of the vaginal musculature) and Dyspareunia (painful intercourse)

* Inability to orgasm (pre-orgasmic for women or delayed ejaculation for men)

* Premature ejaculation (PE), how to last longer (including lasting as long as you want), and how to have multiple orgasms (any man can).

* Erectile difficulties (ED)

* Body image and sexual shame issues

* Dating and social skills coaching

* Sexual shyness, inexperience, and performance anxiety

* Sexual addiction and online sexual addiction

* Sexuality education and re-education

* Contraceptive education

* STD's/STI's and AIDS prevention education

* Loss of sexual desire and libido

* Lacking sexual self confidence or poor sexual self esteem

* Sexuality & medical issues and sexuality & aging issues

* Infertility or pregnancy issues

* Sexual fetishes, including BDSM

* Unwanted sexual fetish issues

* Anger management treatment

* Domestic and sexual violence treatment (survivors or perpetrator)

* Sex offender relapse prevention treatment (perpetrator)


Basically any question or concern having to do with overall
mental/emotional health and wellbeing, sexuality, intimacy, or relationship is appropriate for consultation.

No topics are off limits.

Dr. Michael works with individuals and couples
no matter your gender or sexual orientation.

Whether you are married, living together, or dating;
sexual, asexual, romantic or aromantic;
male, female, intersex;

straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, pansexual, polysexual, or questioning;
newly connecting or together for decades.


Introductions to Dr. Michael's Telephone Counseling & Online Guidance Services

We now invite you to read Dr. Michael's introductions about his expertise in telephone counseling and online consultation services by clicking on the links below:

* Click here to read about Dr. Michael’s Telephone Counseling Services

* Click here to read about Dr. Michael’s Online Consultation Services




Dr. Michael Ra Bouchard is the founder of Aloha Sexual Health & Happiness Worldwide Telephone Counseling, 

and is the author of "A User's Guide to Your Mind:  How to Win in Love & Get Along with Each Other."

Dr. Bouchard also maintains a private practice with an office on the Big Island of Hawaii.

He can be reached at DrMichael@LoveKindly.com or at 808-965-8800.



Visit Dr. Michael's ArchiveIt's FREE!

You may later wish to visit Dr. Michael’s Archive of select essays and articles that he's written and posted over the years
towards helping you
achieve greater life, love, and relationship happiness;
it's ALL available to read ANYTIME
FREE OF CHARGE simply by clicking on the link below:

* Click here to visit "Dr. Michael's Archive" and read FREE original articles





The author of the material on this website does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any techniques as forms of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information on this website or from his books and private online care consultations for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

All website articles and private online care consultations are provided with the understanding that these materials provide education and or instruction, and do not constitute therapy or counseling. Any person seeking therapy or counseling should personally contact Dr. Bouchard for distance telephone sessions or consult a local qualified professional.

If you are in crisis, suffer from a mental illness or are experiencing serious suicidal thoughts, please contact your local crisis or suicide hotline or phone 911 for immediate assistance. This service is provided to adults age 18 and over and is not intended for use by minors without parental or guardian approval. We do not prescribe medications or make recommendations for others to do so.




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Click here to Make a PayPal Payment and Book Sessions Now with Dr. Michael


808.965.8800 and ask for Dr. Michael

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We provide this website to everyone the world over
seeking to enhance the quality of healthy living and joyful loving.
Your comments and suggestions are welcomed and sincerely appreciated.

Aloha and A Hui Hou!