Dr. Michael's Archive
Essays on Life, Love, and Relationship Happiness
-Updated Regularly-
Please check back every now and then
to read newly added articles to the collection.
The purpose of this website and my articles is to share opinions and thoughts free of charge with curious people.
Namely, through my personal points of view, commentary, and studied critical analysis.
The opinions and views expressed within each of these essays are solely my own.
The author of the material on this website does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any techniques as forms of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information on this website or from his books and private online care consultations for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
All website articles and private online care consultations are provided with the understanding that these materials provide education and or instruction, and do not constitute therapy or counseling. Any person seeking therapy or counseling should personally contact Dr. Bouchard for distance telephone sessions or consult a local qualified professional.
If you are in crisis, suffer from a mental illness or are experiencing serious suicidal thoughts, please contact your local crisis or suicide hotline or phone 911 for immediate assistance. This service is provided to adults age 18 and over and is not intended for use by minors without parental or guardian approval.
We do not prescribe medications or make recommendations for others to do so.
This website is an
AI-Free Zone!
Text created by ChatGPT and other Large Language Models is spreading rapidly across the Internet.
While typically well-written, it is nonetheless artificial and frequently inaccurate.
All text—as in every single word posted on this website, including within each of my articles below—
was written 100% in its entirety solely by myself.
Should you find a spelling or grammatical mistake, rest assured it was made by a fallible human—
Namely, yours truly.
An Old-School Sexologist Speaks Out—
(2-Part Series)
Part I: "Pedophilia is NOT a Sexual Orientation"
Part II: "Connecting the Dots Between Pedophilia and the Globalist Deep State Death Cult"
"A No-Nonsense Sexologist Unapologetically Tells It Like It Is—
Three Genders Only & Woke is Wack!"
“Red Pill” Critical Thinking Tips for Staying Grounded in a
Crazy Inside-Out, Upside-Down, All Mixed-Up World
(3-Part Series)
"Am I Normal? Rethinking the Sexual Politics of Normalcy"
- "Make Love, Not War"
- "Valentine's Day Gift Guide"
- "Kissing Lessons for Lovers"
- "Sexual Rights are Human Rights"
- "Celebrating Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness"
- "Domestic Violence Hurts Everybody"
- "Heal Yourself and Break the Cycle of Violence"
- "It's Never Too Late to Help Yourself Heal From Childhood Sexual Abuse"
- "How to Shape Up Your Lover"
- "What Everyone Needs to Know About Women's Mooncycles"
- "What Everyone Needs to Understand About Sexual Refusal & Sexual Assault"
- "Distance Counseling in the Age of Pandemics: Just how effective is it?"
- "On Becoming a Sexologist - Dr. Michael's Story"
Copyright 1988-2025, Michael Ra Bouchard, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
Dr. Michael Ra Bouchard is the founder of Aloha Sexual Health & Happiness Worldwide Telephone Counseling,
and is the author of "A User's Guide to Your Mind: How to Win in Love & Get Along with Each Other."
Dr. Bouchard also maintains a private practice with an office on the Big Island of Hawaii.
He can be reached at DrMichael@LoveKindly.com or at 808-965-8800.
Copyright Notice
All written and visual contents on this Site are protected by Federal copyright and are protected under treaty provisions and worldwide copyright laws. Including translations, you may NOT reproduce any website materials-essays, Articles or artwork-either online or in print without first obtaining written permission from Dr. Michael Ra Bouchard. Please contact the author to obtain written consent by stating what you wish to reprint and where and when you wish it to be reprinted. DrMichael@lovekindly.com
No content whatsoever on this website—essays, articles, or artwork-
may be reproduced, copied, edited, published, broadcast, uploaded or redistributed in any way.
Any violation of the above will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Aloha and A Hui Hou!